UPDATE: To Watch the Replay of Kyle’s Option Rocket Webinar
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So you know the kid who turned $15k into $4,000,000 trading stocks in just a few years?
Well, the kid just made an announcement that should scare Wall Street option traders. See, when someone has a winning trade, someone else loses.
When I saw his announcement, my first thought was options traders betting against him are screwed.
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Kyle Dennis FREE EBOOK “The $2.9 Million Biotech Trader Playbook”
My second thought, what if my privileged clients could trade with him, look over his shoulder? Not only would they probably clean out the suckers … but they’d likely make a fortune in the process.
There’s no better trader or teacher of trading on Wall Street than this guy.
And he’s decided to get into options.
Beware if you’re on the other side of him, be HAPPY if you’re with him.
This is the biggest announcement ever.
A gamer changer for traders working with him. I mean this is nuts! If he can turn $15k into $4,000,000 trading stocks ONLY, in just a few years, he’ll probably turn $15k into $10,000,000 trading options.
Watch his Facebook LIVE and register for his webinar.
Webinar Date: May 24st – 8:00 PM EST
Webinar Details
TOPIC: Learn Kyle’s Breakthrough Options Strategy That Could Deliver You 500% Returns Daily
HOST: Kyle Dennis
At just 27 years old Kyle has earned over $4M million dollars in trading profits. His unique background in biotechnology, finance, and technical charting gives him unprecedented insight into the biotech sector. He uses his insight to gain a significant edge on the market that only few people have access to.
Kyle’s mission is to teach investors and stock traders like yourself how to discover, track and evaluate today’s hottest companies on your own. Now you start trading your own stocks for exceptional profits. In the last few years, Kyle has been featured on Yahoo Finance, Market Watch, The Street, Seeking Alpha and The Money Show to tell his remarkable story.
EXPERIENCE REQUIRED: All Traders Welcome. Replay Available to Registrants Only
What You Will Learn
1. How to use I.G.N.I.T.E so you can uncover the best opportunities on Wall Street!
2. How to place and mirror these exact calls without any of your own research
3. The direct plan I use to define my risk, while allowing for unlimited upside potential
And Much More!
[Ed.note: Kyle Dennis runs BiotechBreakouts.com. He is an event-based trader, who prefers low-priced and small-cap biotech stocks.